[Python] Multiprocessing task with tqdm

We can use tqdm and multiprocessing together by utilizing imap.

import multiprocessing as mp
from tqdm import tqdm

def parallel_work(args):
    my_arg_a= args['my_arg_a']
    my_arg_b= args['my_arg_b']
    result = do_things(my_arg_a, my_arg_b)
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Build a list with objects containing desired arguments
    parallel_work_args = [{'my_arg_a': 'a', 'my_arg_b': 'b'}, ...]  

    # If you encounter deadlock issue, try using the 'spawn' method for children forking
    # with mp.get_context("spawn").Pool(mp.cpu_count()) as pool:
    with mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) as pool:
        # Parallel work each arg object
        # list() and total are required 
        results = list(tqdm(pool.imap(parallel_work, parallel_work_args), total=len(parallel_work_args)))


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